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Tawnie Wilson | SBJ

2024 40 Under 40: Kirsten Whitehead

Paragon Architecture LLC

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In just over a decade with Paragon Architecture, Kirsten Whitehead has seen the design firm grow to 27 employees in four offices from just five team members in one office. She helped build the framework for that growth by establishing company policies as a project manager for the firm.

She’s seen her own personal growth in that time, too, becoming a licensed architect in 2019 after acing the six required exams on her first attempt.

And Whitehead, 33, is giving her talents for industry growth. In 2017, she helped start the ACE Mentor Program of the Ozarks, an affiliate of a national organization that connects professionals with high school students to provide education and exposure to architecture, construction and engineering fields.

“I enjoy building frameworks for others to reach success within,” Whitehead says. “I often use the term futureproofing with my clients. My goal is to help create a natural and built environment which can support the immediate needs of our community but also provides enough room to adapt and change as we continue to evolve.”

What historical figure do you identify with most? I am inspired by the underdog or someone/a group who had to overcome significant obstacles in their endeavors. Their fight and success is inspiring to me.

Favorite local drink order? A.M.: The Architect at Architect Coffee. P.M.: Half Sunshine Chugsuckle, half Wild Cobra at Mother’s Brewing Co.


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