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Tawnie Wilson | SBJ

2024 40 Under 40: James Case

City Utilities of Springfield

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Joining the Army as a young officer, James Case developed his leadership style early, he says, valuing his team’s experience, and building respect and cohesion. He continued this style at City Utilities, helping foster mentorships and facilitating successful transitions within staff roles.

At CU, Case, 37, was tasked to help lead the vegetation management department, developing plans to prevent vegetation encroachment onto nearly 1,400 miles of overhead electric lines. He also introduced innovative practices to improve operational effectiveness in his role as manager of electric transmission and distribution maintenance.

Case is also active in the community, participating in volunteer initiatives with Convoy of Hope and supporting the United Way of the Ozarks through fundraising and its Community Investment Panel.

Best productivity hack? I live out of Microsoft OneNote. I don’t know what I’d do without it at this point.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Work hard and treat people right; everything else will take care of itself.

Your most treasured possession? I’m not sure they are technically considered a possession, but my children. I have two beautiful daughters, and I love them very much.

Favorite local food/drink order? Pretty much any of the beer from our local breweries, but I’m a sucker for the Cherry Street Sour from Tie & Timber. Pair it with an Imo’s pizza and a nice day on their patio and that’s hard to beat.


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