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Council passes mental health measure, considers another 

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Springfield City Council considered two measures that would provide mental health services to divert people from the justice system at its regular meeting last night. 

One measure, which passed, accepted a grant to boost the Springfield Police Department’s joint mental health response program that it operates with Burrell Behavioral health. The other, which was the subject of a first reading and is scheduled for a vote May 6, would reestablish a jail diversion program through the Springfield-Greene County Health Department. 

SPD’s mental health co-responder program will double in size with a grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety’s State Crisis Intervention Program. Council accepted the $797,798 award to expand the program, which began in 2022 as a partnership between SPD and Burrell Behavioral Health, funded by a $557,000 grant obtained by Burrell from the Missouri Foundation for Health. 

That grant, awarded for a three-year period, kicked off a hybrid model of law enforcement and mental health care response to calls related to behavioral health or substance abuse, according to past Springfield Business Journal reporting. 

Since September 2022, Burrell has funded three full-time co-responders and one part-time co-responder for the  program. Speaking before council last night, Police Chief Paul Williams said the new grant would pay the salary and benefits of three more full-time co-responders, two part-time co-responders and a full-time administrative support person. A news release from SPD indicated the grant also would pay for limited training and equipment purchases.  

“The program so far has been very successful,” Williams told council. “We’re very excited that not only will we be able to continue it but expand it.” 

An explanation of the program submitted to council by SPD explains the program pairs mental health and substance abuse counselors with police officers. 

“This pairing allows for trained providers to ride along with police officers and be available to respond to persons who may be suffering from a non-law enforcement crisis or issue,” the document states. “The co-response creates the opportunity for the citizen to be evaluated and referred to or taken in for immediate care and treatment, referral to services or in-home services.” 

The goal of the program is to identify people who have used emergency services during a crisis and find a more effective alternative outside of law enforcement or corrections involvement, according to the department.  

“The program has experienced a number of successes, and there are now individuals being served solely by these mental health co-responders, when it is safe to do so, without law enforcement present,” the explanation states. 

Co-responders are employees of Burrell, the SPD statement notes. 

“The department has seen the benefits of working with our partners at Burrell,” it states. “The co-responders and officers have developed a great working relationship.” 

The expansion will provide co-responder coverage on days and times that are currently either not staffed for an immediate response or are being covered on an on-call basis, the SPD news release states. 

Clay Goddard, regional president for Burrell, attended the council meeting with Williams to offer his support but did not address council. 

“By expanding the program and adding more staff to the co-responder program, it gives us the bandwidth to serve more people in the community and get treatment to those who need it,” Goddard said in the release. 

Council also heard the first reading of an ordinance to re-establish a jail diversion program as a partnership between the Springfield-Greene County Health Department and the Springfield Municipal Court. 

Present to back the ordinance were Health Department Director Katie Towns and Springfield Municipal Court Chief Judge Wendy Garrison, who were seeking an allocation of $90,800 to restart the program that began in 2021. Funding for the program was provided through a Greene County general sales tax but was discontinued in September 2023 due to a decline in tax revenue. 

Towns told council the program creates a pathway for lower-risk offenders to meet with community health advocates through the Health Department to create a path toward stabilization. 

“Many times, folks that are involved with the criminal justice system suffer from a higher rate of mental illness, substance (abuse) and need assistance but sometimes are continually meeting barriers,” Towns said. “Our health advocates help to work through a pathway that will get them to a more stable situation and create success around lots of different avenues and stability within their lives.” 

When the program was operational, Towns said, 19 of 25 participants completed it successfully. 

“One of the best parts of the program is that it truly changes lives,” she said. 

Garrison said she sees people on a regular basis that she would refer to the program, and, in fact, on the morning of the meeting, she asked a probation officer to write down the names of two people who were in her court who would benefit from the program if it were reinstated. 

She noted that many people who would benefit from the program have problems communicating, and an interview with a health professional can help to determine if they would benefit. If they qualify, they can be released on their own recognizance on conditions of a plan, and if they don’t follow those conditions, they will be required to go back into custody. 

Councilmember Abe McGull said he considered the program to be a great one, but he added that if it were reinstated, he would like to see quarterly reports on its effectiveness. 

The funding would provide two full-time community health advocates, a half-time supervisor and money that offenders can use for housing and transportation, according to Health Department officials. 

Council will vote on whether to reinstate the program at its May 6 meeting. 


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