Springfield, MO
Amanda Hall can read people. Call it a special skill, call it intuition, call it being a good boss, but whatever it is, Hall, 39, excels in helping employees achieve success. She says the first step is acknowledging success looks different for everyone – be it fulfillment, work/life balance, money or a career title.
Helping build Entrust Property Solutions as chief operations officer, Hall has instilled her values in the foundation of the company over the past five years, and the most important to her is leading by example. When an explosion caused a fire at one property managed, she was on site into the wee hours of the morning.
“This is how I show leadership; I put titles aside when needed, roll up my sleeves and dive right into the trenches with my team,” she says.
First job? Managed a snow cone stand.
Proudest moment? Becoming a mom.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? When I was younger and preparing for anything that might be tough, my mom would say, “Don’t forget your earrings.” I loved to accessorize. What I didn’t know was that my mom was using that to teach me that as long as I was prepared and had the right attitude, I could handle anything.
Favorite hobby or creative outlet? My flower garden and my houseplants. My next focus is learning some woodworking and epoxy projects.
A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.