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335 results total, viewing 1 - 20

Ozarks Public Health Institute at MSU gets nearly $550K grant

The funding supports the public health institute's Community Focus Report work.

Newsmakers in the areas of banking & finance, education, health care, hospitality, law, music and nonprofit.

Long delayed Elevate Community project targets 2026 opening.

The 2024 Red Kettle Christmas Campaign fell short of its goal by nearly $173,000.

Ashley Walden is hired as the nonprofit's vice president of community impact.

The Springfield-area organizations are among 44 selected statewide for over $7.6 million in Neighborhood Assistance Program tax credits.

Ric Ashe exits from executive director role after roughly three months.

Officials say the work marks the first from-the-ground-up construction project on C-Street in more than five decades.

Fundraising continues to pay discrepancy owed from 2024 golf tournament.

Guest columnist Dan Prater: "The care you give to your employees is a direct reflection of the quality of programs and services your organization provides."

SBJ interviews the executive director of Lost & Found Grief Center.

It’s no secret the entire nation has been facing a housing affordability crisis for years, and while the impact to local homebuyers and renters has been dramatic, a lack of affordable housing is also impacting the area’s pets.

Newsmakers are compiled in the areas of accounting, architecture, banking & finance, construction, insurance and nonprofit.

An order to pause all disbursements of federal grants and loans was announced suddenly on the evening of Jan. 27 and while the memo was rescinded two days later, White House officials say the freeze to review all spending is still in place, creating confusion for government offices and nonprofit agencies both locally and nationally.

Ten organizations are picked for funds through initiative designed to address the needs of Medicaid recipients.

Newsmakers in the areas of accounting, banking & finance, law, mining and nonprofit.

Brandi VanAntwerp is interviewed by SBJ Executive Editor Christine Temple for the 12 People You Need to Know series.

The Courageous Church is growing its footprint with the addition of a new East Campus, made possible through a merger with the former Eastern Gate Free Will Baptist Church.

The Bikes & Brew Bodega takes on space recently vacated by Hidden Grounds Coffee House.

The organization issues $66,000 in funding to eight nonprofits.

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Editors' Pick
Tiny home community breaks ground in Branson

Long delayed Elevate Community project targets 2026 opening.

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