Springfield, MO
Should you build a new facility for your business or remodel? Many believe remodeling has a higher cost, may require you to close during construction and you still need the services of an architect. …
Kirk Stange, Founding Partner, Stange Law Firm says people have many misperceptions about divorce. “I know that clients, at times, look at divorce like a speed race, like a drag race — let’s …
Protect your company against fraud. Summer Massey, Loan Manager at Arvest Bank and Kala Forehand, Treasury Management Adviser at Arvest Bank, have tips to guard against internal and external fraud in …
When your training needs assessment shows there are gaps in employee performance the next step is to design an appropriate training solution according to Sherry Coker, OTC Center for Workforce …
Andrew Spurling with GFI Digital dispels five common myths around the selection and maintenance of your office copier from what your machine up-time expectations should be to how you can vet copier …
Jonathan Dodd and Brian Kubik started a partnership many years after they first met in grade school, finding trust to be the most critical piece to finding a business partner. The business plan for …
If you’re not a contractor and you’ve never worked with a contractor the selection process can be daunting. Learn three key things you should look for when hiring a building contractor. Sean …
All workplace problems have root causes. When will training be the solution? Sherry Coker, OTC Center for Workforce Development business development director, provides you the framework of a training needs assessment, which will uncover the root causes of a workplace problem and help you determine if training is the solution. A download is available at with a complete outline for an effective training needs assessment. This is sponsored content. Duration: 2:29
A simple swab of the inside of your cheek can lead to optimizing your nutrition and fitness program, personal medication profile, in addition to your ancestry. According to Austin O’Reilly, owner …
Not all labels are created equal. Natalie Menzies-Spradlin with Ample Industries gives you four things to think about to make sure your labels are durable, cost effective and meet your product …
Why hire an architect before you even begin your building project? Buddy Webb and Company principals explain three ways an architect can assist a building owner including determining specific …
“Medical negligence or medical malpractice cases essentially are a platform for families to bring a lawsuit against a healthcare provider,” says Debbie Dodge, Managing Shareholder at Hall Ansley. …
“I think this really empowers them to identify and to be able to have the courage to speak up, “ says Tijuana Julian, Executive Director of Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Drury …
“While I grew up in Ozark Fence Company, after taking ownership, the company looked a lot different,” says Joe Everest, owner of Ozark Fence & Supply Co., LLC. Growing up in the family business, …
In some cases, small to medium size employers provide only non-medical employee benefits. Trevor Croley, President of Croley Insurance and Financial says some larger employers who offer medical …
Do you have a business succession plan in place? Most people don't. Tracy Barnas, Arvest Wealth Management Regional Manager talks with Arvest Bank Loan Manager Summer Massey about what steps you need to take to get your plan in order.
Jay Rasmussen, General Manager with Ameripride, says they lowered their turnover rate nearly 50% in a year's time.
Michael Nesbitt, President of Nesbitt Construction, says he learned valuable lessons about work ethic and business from his father. Whether or not his father, Bill Nesbitt, founder of Nesbitt Construction, intended to prepare his eight-year old son …
The Coolest Things finalists reflect the diversity of the local manufacturing community.
Businesspeople sound alarm on MoDOT plans along Highway 60
SBJ announces the 2025 40 Under 40 honorees
Trump orders Treasury to discontinue minting of pennies
SRC combines two subsidiaries with $19M building investment in the works
Local Mercy exec promoted within health system