Springfield, MO
If you’re not a contractor and you’ve never worked with a contractor the selection process can be daunting. Learn three key things you should look for when hiring a building contractor. Sean Thouvenot, Vice President of Branco Enterprises also gives you insider insight about how important subcontractors or tradesmen are to keeping your project on track.
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Duration: 1:36
Video Transcription:
Hi, I'm Sean Thouvenot. I'm Vice President of Branco Enterprises. We're a general contractor, and we're celebrating our 85th year this year.
So when looking for a general contractor, you want to first be comfortable with who you're working with. It needs to be somebody that you can trust. You would probably want somebody that's established, been in business for a while. Having someone that can perform in-house work is usually a plus, because you know that they can control your schedule a little better.
So a builder's advantage on cost control is because with your own forces, you can keep a closer watch on the man hour span. You can keep a closer watch on the materials used. Whereas a subcontractor, you're relying that their price covers all, and sometimes it doesn't.
And with having your own forces, you can react to those better and minimize the cost to the owner for any changes. I would say that the three things to make you, that would help make you comfortable would be trust, a relationship. While you don't always have a relationship with them, building that relationship is huge.
You can tell, pretty much, usually after talking to somebody a couple times whether you feel comfortable with them or not. And then, an established company, because everybody knows that a contractor being established is a huge deal, because there's just so many changes in this industry as far as this person starting a company, and that person starting a company, and this guy going from here to there. So you just have to feel comfortable.
SBJ interviews the executive director of Lost & Found Grief Center.